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Jebus or Jeebus [jee-buh s] is a humorous substitute for Jesus, sometimes used to avoid blaspheming, other times to poke fun at believers, and most often just as a playful interjection.

Like so many cromulent words that have embiggened our language, Jeebus owes its popularity to The Simpsons. In an episode from 2000, Homer gets sent to be a Christian missionary. In his typically clueless way, Homer protests “I’m no missionary. I don’t even believe in Jeebus.” He immediately proceeds to plead for Jeebus to save him. 

Homer can’t take all the credit though. In the 1952 novel A Cry of Children, one character, trying to watch his language, uses Jeebus rather than Jesus so as not to take his god’s name in vain. 

Still, use of ‘Jeebus’ didn’t really take off until the 2000s after that Simpsons episode. In 2002, a writer on the review website Television Without Pity exasperatedly declaimed “Oh, Jeebus” in response to E.R. star Noah Wyle’s apparently disappointing facial hair. The punk band Random Heroes put out an album titled Bigger Than Jeebus in 2004. The exclamation “Sweet Jeebus!” even showed up in a vegan cookbook in 2005. That same year, a Christian writer even noted that the Jeebus fish, in the style of the ichthys, was showing up on car bumpers.

Anywhere, anyplace, anytime

Radio Jebus is nothing more than a farce… Not a real radio station, nor the ambition to become one. What we stand for is… nothing. We just provide people who care with the right kind of house mixes, just to please ourselves and them. So we can listen to them anywhere, anyplace, anytime… Bye bye now.

cut the crap

Play Me The Latest Mix

Don’t try to convert me to be anything I don’t want to be. I don’t believe in anything and I’m just here to listen to a goddamn mix!


Two Jebus lovers. Mad men, they say… But also house lovers, music enthousiasts, creative prodigies and much more…


We play all kinda beats fo’ da lord! Great deejays and an even greater mc and crazy ass visuals.


Tees, sports bags, belts and many more items…  Crazy, but also very exclusive…


Want to compliment us or call us names?   You know where to find us…

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Imagine a shop filled with the funkiest tees, divine tote bags and even unexpected flip flops. All created by the founders and all with one main purpose: to spread the word… and also to be the coolest cat in town!